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This Decree applies to the utilization and marketing of planting materials of vine species, hybrids and varieties, hop, horse radish and asparagus varieties, to fruit producing and ligneous ornamental plant species and varieties listed in Annex 1, and to non ligneous ornamental plant species and varieties listed in Annex 2, to entities producing, marketing, distributing and utilizing these planting materials, and to the National Agricultural Certification Institute which controls their production and marketing. Registration, the establishment and control of primary stocks and nurseries, and inspection are also regulated. The annexes contains quality standards of planting materials for distribution, rules regarding their packaging, labelling, sampling and examination, and rules on the issuance of certificates of origin.
This Decree applies to the utilization and marketing of planting materials of vine species, hybrids and varieties, hop, horse radish and asparagus varieties, to fruit producing and ligneous ornamental plant species and varieties listed in Annex 1, and to non ligneous ornamental plant species and varieties listed in Annex 2, to entities producing, marketing, distributing and utilizing these planting materials, and to the National Agricultural Certification Institute which controls their productio
Decree No. 90 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the production and distribution of planting materials of vine, hop, fruit and ornamental plants.
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