This Decree validates the Statute of the State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes, defining its tasks, functions, rights, liability and organizational basis. State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes is the body that traces formation and development, as well as forecasting of natural and arising from the economic activities of dangerous exogenous geological processes (landslides, avalanches, subsidence, suffusion, karst erosion) on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to alert state and economic management bodies, local administration and other organizations, as well as legal entities and individuals, of their possible disastrous manifestations for the purpose of decision-making and implementing measures for early warning of the population, protect inhabited areas and other sites from the impact of these processes. The State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes is integral part of the system of the State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources (Goskomgeology) and is directly subordinated thereto. The orders of the State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes and its territorial subdivisions, issued within the limits of their competence, are binding for all state bodies and economic management bodies, local administration, legal entities and individuals. In case of failure to comply with the requirements of the State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes and its territorial subdivisions, officials of the aforesaid bodies and legal entities, as well as individuals, shall be liable in accordance with the legislation.
This Decree validates the Statute of the State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes, defining its tasks, functions, rights, liability and organizational basis. State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes is the body that traces formation and development, as well as forecasting of natural and arising from the economic activities of dangerous exogenous geological processes (landslides, avalanches, subsidence, suffusion, karst erosion) on the territory of the Republic
Decree No. 909 of the Cabinet of Ministers On improvement of the functioning of the State Monitoring Service of Dangerous Geological Processes.
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