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This Decree applies to planting materials of forestry species and varieties listed in Annex 1. It also regulates the collection, production, growing, stocking, marketing and utilization of planting materials, and the use of establishments and plant stocks serving directly or indirectly these activities. Lastly, it deals with entities acting in this regard, and the National Agricultural Certification Institute which operates and controls the classification system of planting materials. The intention of this Decree is the utilization of planting materials that help the formation of genetically diversified forestry ecosystems, and the conservation of the capacity of evolution of ecosystems. In this way, the increase of the forest domain, the improvement of timber quality, and the conservation of positive effect of forests on the environment may be achieved. Export and import of planting materials are regulated as well in Articles 22 and 23. Inspection and control of the implementation of rules of law regarding forestry planting materials is duty of the NACI according to Articles 24 and 25. Sanctions and penalties are set out in Article 26. Annexes list places of origin for tree species falling under the OECD system, recommended places of origin of imported plants, professional standards of establishments, certification and conservation of primary forestry stocks, standards for examination of planting materials, etc.
This Decree applies to planting materials of forestry species and varieties listed in Annex 1. It also regulates the collection, production, growing, stocking, marketing and utilization of planting materials, and the use of establishments and plant stocks serving directly or indirectly these activities. Lastly, it deals with entities acting in this regard, and the National Agricultural Certification Institute which operates and controls the classification system of planting materials. The intent
Decree No. 91 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on forestry planting materials.
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