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This Decree of the Ministry of the Environment, which is composed of 30 articles and 16 Annexes, implements the relevant European Union regulations and provides: (1) details on determining the level of pollution; (2) general emission limits, specific emission limits, the method of calculating the emission limits and technical conditions of stationary sources; (3) requirements for fuel quality; (4) requirements for products containing volatile organic compounds; (5) details on summaries, expert opinion and study protocol on measurement of emissions. The present Decree is composed of the following Sections: Introductory provisions (Sec. 1); Evaluation of pollution level and compliance with pollution limits (Sec. 2); Fuel combustion (Sec. 3); Fuel quality requirements (Sec. 4); Thermal waste treatment (Sec. 5); Volatile organic compounds (Sec. 6); Other stationary sources (Sec. 7); General emission limits (Sec. 8); Compensation measures (Sec. 9); Transitional and final provisions (Sec. 10); Entry into force (Sec. 11).
This Decree of the Ministry of the Environment, which is composed of 30 articles and 16 Annexes, implements the relevant European Union regulations and provides: (1) details on determining the level of pollution; (2) general emission limits, specific emission limits, the method of calculating the emission limits and technical conditions of stationary sources; (3) requirements for fuel quality; (4) requirements for products containing volatile organic compounds; (5) details on summaries, expert o
Decree on the permissible level of pollution and and implementation of certain other provisions of the Air Protection Act.
Czech Republic
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