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The Regulation No. 017/CTPC of the Minister of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction of 5 January, 1995, on the construction of roads is hereby adopted and implemented. The Ministry, the Office for Science, technology and Environment, and well as all services concerned are entrusted with the enforcement of this Decree, within the scope of their respective responsibilities.
The Regulation No. 017/CTPC of the Minister of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction of 5 January, 1995, on the construction of roads is hereby adopted and implemented. The Ministry, the Office for Science, technology and Environment, and well as all services concerned are entrusted with the enforcement of this Decree, within the scope of their respective responsibilities.
Decree of the Prime Minister on the adoption and implementation of the regulation on environment related to road construction in Lao PDR (No. 5/PM).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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