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The present Decree lays down provisions relating to the protection of nature and landscape. The focus of this Decree is the protection of the landscape considered as a whole, that is, taking into account its natural and cultural values, as well as its functions. The text consists of 26 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (Ier); Protected areas (II); Protection of nature and landscape by way of land consolidation (III); Protection of surface waters (IV); Protection of living space (V); Use of state infrastructures (VI); Enforcement (VII).
The present Decree lays down provisions relating to the protection of nature and landscape. The focus of this Decree is the protection of the landscape considered as a whole, that is, taking into account its natural and cultural values, as well as its functions. The text consists of 26 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (Ier); Protected areas (II); Protection of nature and landscape by way of land consolidation (III); Protection of surface waters (IV); Protection of liv
The present Decree is consolidated as of 1 January 2012.
Decree on protection of nature and landscape.
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