This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community: (a) place and method of implementation of border veterinary checks on products imported from countries which are not member states of the European Union; (b) assistance to importers and their agents, provided by the authorities of border veterinary checks; (c) details on measures taken by the authorities of border veterinary checks in case the import conditions are not satisfied; (d) the scope and other details on information which the border veterinary checks communicate via remote data transmission; (e) requirements for the importation of products intended for the free customs zone, free customs warehouse, and their border veterinary checks; (f) details on permitting re-importation of products which have been rejected by a third country, and direct delivery of products intended for consumption by the crew and passengers on board of the international maritime transport, (g) details on the authorization of transit of products from third countries, (h) procedure of border veterinary checks of feed of plant origin, additives and premixes, including documents that must accompany such products; (i) cases when the imported product is exempt from the provisions concerning the import of products from third countries.
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 31 articles, establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community: (a) place and method of implementation of border veterinary checks on products imported from countries which are not member states of the European Union; (b) assistance to importers and their agents, provided by the authorities of border veterinary checks; (c) details on measures taken by the authorities of border veterinary checks in case the i
Decree on veterinary checks of import and transit of products from third countries.
Czech Republic
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