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This Order provides for measures to prevent the spread of Chalara fraxinea in the genus Fraxinus L, which affects wood. The Order, among other things, restricts the impoertation of a plant of the genus Fraxinus L (without a plant passport or official statement stating that it originates from an area known to be free from Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) or wood of genus Fraxinus L. into the State originating in certain countries.
This Order provides for measures to prevent the spread of Chalara fraxinea in the genus Fraxinus L, which affects wood. The Order, among other things, restricts the impoertation of a plant of the genus Fraxinus L (without a plant passport or official statement stating that it originates from an area known to be free from Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) or wood of genus Fraxinus L. into the State originating in certain countries.
Destructive Insects and Pests Acts 1958 and 1991 (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) Order 2015 (S.I. No. 479 of 2015).
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