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This Act lays down: (a) business conditions of the energy sector; (b) marketing, rights and obligations of participants of the energy market, (c) measures to ensure security of the supply of electrical energy and gas and functioning of the internal market of electrical energy and the internal gas market; (d) rights and obligations of persons whose rights and obligations may be affected by participants of the market of energy sector; (e) competences of state administration; (f) state supervision and control of the business in the energy sector. The present Act is composed of 98 articles divided into the following Sections: (1) Introductory provisions; (2) Business of the energy sector; (3) Electrical energy; (4) Gas industry; (5) Transportation of fuel or oil; (6) State administration; (7) Common, transitional and final provisions.
This Act lays down: (a) business conditions of the energy sector; (b) marketing, rights and obligations of participants of the energy market, (c) measures to ensure security of the supply of electrical energy and gas and functioning of the internal market of electrical energy and the internal gas market; (d) rights and obligations of persons whose rights and obligations may be affected by participants of the market of energy sector; (e) competences of state administration; (f) state supervision
Energy Law.
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