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Sections 6, 7, and 8 make provision for participation of the public in the management of matters affecting the environment and lay down the framework for collaboration between the government and NGO's. There is established a National Environment Board consisting of cabinet members and government officials. The Board shall submit a policy and plan for enhancement and conservation of the environment to the Cabinet for its approval, prescribe environmental quality standards and carry out other functions outlined in section 13. There shall be established a fund called the "Environmental Fund" in the Ministry of Finance managed by a Fund Committee the powers of which are specified in section 25.
The main body of the Act consists of two Chapters proposing various environment protection measures and concerning the control of various forms of pollution. Sections 32 to 51 (Chap. 3) provide for environmental quality standards, environmental quality management planning, conservation and environmentally protected areas, and environment impact assessment. The Minister shall, with the approval of the National Environment Board, formulate an action plan called "Environmental Quality Management Plan" to implement the national environment policy (sect. 35). Sections 42 to 45 provide for the establishment of national parks, wildlife reserves watershed areas, and other protected areas. For the purpose of pollution control under this Act, there shall be a committee called the "Pollution Control Committee" (PCC). It shall submit a pollution prevention action plan to the Board and carry out other functions outlined in section 51. The Board shall have the power to declare pollution control areas under section 59. Sections 69 to 77 concern the prevention of water pollution. Section 70 introduces an obligation to treat wastewater by owners or possessors of sources of pollution, whereas section 80 requires the same to collect statistics and other data and to report on polluting activities.
Sections 94 and 95 provide for (financial) assistance by the Government to owners or possessors of sources of pollution in investing in anti-pollution measures. Final provisions of the Act deal with civil liability of polluters and prescribe offences and penalties. (155 sections divided into 7 Chapters)
Sections 6, 7, and 8 make provision for participation of the public in the management of matters affecting the environment and lay down the framework for collaboration between the government and NGO's. There is established a National Environment Board consisting of cabinet members and government officials. The Board shall submit a policy and plan for enhancement and conservation of the environment to the Cabinet for its approval, prescribe environmental quality standards and carry out other func
The following Acts shall be repealed: (1) The Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2518; (2) The Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act (No. 2), B.E. 2521; (3) The Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act (No. 3), B.E. 2522.
Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535.
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