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This Act provides the legal bases for and the procedure for the conduct of assessments of likely environmental impact and environmental audits, in order to prevent environmental damage. The purpose of environmental impact assessment is to identify, assess and describe the likely impact of proposed activities on the environment, analyse the possibilities for the prevention and mitigation of such impact and make proposals regarding the choice of the most suitable solution. The purpose of environmental auditing is to assess periodically the compliance of completed or on-going activities with the requirements of legislation, measures proposed in environmental policies, environmental management systems and environmental schemes or the provisions of standards and agreements, on the basis of the criteria determined by the audit client. The document consists of 5 Chapters that contain 43 Paragraphs. Chapter 1 lays down the general provisions. Chapter 2 regards environmental impact assessment. Chapter 3 regards environmental auditing. Chapter 4 establishes liability. Chapter 5 introduces implementing provisions.
This Act provides the legal bases for and the procedure for the conduct of assessments of likely environmental impact and environmental audits, in order to prevent environmental damage. The purpose of environmental impact assessment is to identify, assess and describe the likely impact of proposed activities on the environment, analyse the possibilities for the prevention and mitigation of such impact and make proposals regarding the choice of the most suitable solution. The purpose of environme
The Act was amended by the following Acts: 19.06.2002 entered into force 01.09.2002 - RT I 2002, 63, 387; 19.06.2002 entered into force 01.08.2002 - RT I 2002, 61, 375.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Auditing Act.
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