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These Regulations which give effect to specified Community legislation, concerns feedingstuffs intended for particular nutritional purposes. These feedingstuffs are essentially dietetic feedingstuffs intended for animals whose process of assimilation, absorption or metabolism could be temporarily or irreversibly impaired. These Regulations set out requirements concerning the composition and marketing of the products concerned. Special requirements are also set out regarding the labelling of the products so as to distinguish them from both ordinary feedingstuffs and medicated feedingstuffs. The Regulations also contain a positive list of the intended uses of animal feedingstuffs for particular nutritional purposes indicating the precise use, essential nutritional characteristics, compulsory or optional declarations and special labelling requirements. (19 Regulations completed by 1 Schedule)
These Regulations which give effect to specified Community legislation, concerns feedingstuffs intended for particular nutritional purposes. These feedingstuffs are essentially dietetic feedingstuffs intended for animals whose process of assimilation, absorption or metabolism could be temporarily or irreversibly impaired. These Regulations set out requirements concerning the composition and marketing of the products concerned. Special requirements are also set out regarding the labelling of the
European Communities (Feedingstuffs intended for Particular Nutritional Purposes) Regulations, 1996.
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