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The present Ordinance implements the Water Protection Act of 15 May 2003 and Air Pollution Act of 18 December 2003. The present Ordinance regulates the requirements for livestock farms when storing manure. The text consists of 11 articles as follows: Object (1); Construction and operation of storage facilities (2); Storage of manure in stables (3); Storage of manure in the open field (4); Storage capacity (5); Calculation of storage capacity (6); Eligible storage capacity (7); Tolerance for existing farms (8); Remediation obligation (9); Remediation time limit (10); Entry into force (11).
The present Ordinance implements the Water Protection Act of 15 May 2003 and Air Pollution Act of 18 December 2003. The present Ordinance regulates the requirements for livestock farms when storing manure. The text consists of 11 articles as follows: Object (1); Construction and operation of storage facilities (2); Storage of manure in stables (3); Storage of manure in the open field (4); Storage capacity (5); Calculation of storage capacity (6); Eligible storage capacity (7); Tolerance for exis
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of LGBl. 2012, No. 321.
Farmyard Manure Ordinance.
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