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The present Act amends the Plant Protection Act 1995. To article 20, paragraph 1, two words are added. A number 7, dealing with article 19(c) of EC Directive No. 77/93 EWG, and a number 8 concerning article 19(d) of EC Directive No. 77/93 EWG are added to article 39, paragraph 1. A number 9, dealing with EC Directive No. 97/3/EG on the protection of the community from diffusion of plants diseases, is added to article 45.
The present Act amends the Plant Protection Act 1995. To article 20, paragraph 1, two words are added. A number 7, dealing with article 19(c) of EC Directive No. 77/93 EWG, and a number 8 concerning article 19(d) of EC Directive No. 77/93 EWG are added to article 39, paragraph 1. A number 9, dealing with EC Directive No. 97/3/EG on the protection of the community from diffusion of plants diseases, is added to article 45.
Federal Act amending the Plant Protection Act 1995.
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