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With a view to preventing and remedying environmental damage, the present Act lays down provisions relating to environmental liability based on the polluter pays principle. The Act applies do damage inflicted on water and on land. The text consisting of 21 articles deals with the following matters: sphere of application, exceptions, preventive actions and remedial actions to be taken by operators, costs, competent authorities, transboundary environmental damage, environmental complaints and reclamations, penalties, reports and transitional provisions. Three Annexes are enclosed. In the latest version of the text, provision are mentioned for damage to waters, with significant adverse impact on the ecological, chemical or quantitative status or the ecological potential of the waters with reference to the Water Act 1959. The text further refers to environmental damages with effect on natural and legal person's life, health and ownership and property rights.
With a view to preventing and remedying environmental damage, the present Act lays down provisions relating to environmental liability based on the “polluter pays” principle. The Act applies do damage inflicted on water and on land. The text – consisting of 21 articles – deals with the following matters: sphere of application, exceptions, preventive actions and remedial actions to be taken by operators, costs, competent authorities, transboundary environmental damage, environmental complaints an
The present Act is consolidated by BGBl I No. 74/2018 as of 22 November 2018.
Federal Environmental Liability Act.
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