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An Act to regulate in detail the production and marketing of animal feed. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to the various terms therein employed such as "feedstuffs", "additives", "harmful substances", "marketing", "production", "country of the Union", "contracting state", etc. Production of animal feed which can damage the health of both humans and animals is banned. Moreover, the use of non-authorized additives and other substances is also banned. The Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry establishes quality requirements for ingredients, admissible additives, maximum contents and certain harmful substances and prescribes other requirements relating to production. Part 4 sets out marking and packing instructions. All additives contained in feedstuffs must be shown on the wrapping. General regulations for import and export are contained in Part 7. Samples must be taken according to certain procedures; the quality must comply with national standards. The import of feedstuffs is conditioned upon issuance of a clearance certificate. The tasks of surveying authorities are set out in Part 8. Finally, the Act establishes penalties in case of violation. The Act consists of 25 articles divided into 10 Parts.
An Act to regulate in detail the production and marketing of animal feed. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to the various terms therein employed such as "feedstuffs", "additives", "harmful substances", "marketing", "production", "country of the Union", "contracting state", etc. Production of animal feed which can damage the health of both humans and animals is banned. Moreover, the use of non-authorized additives and other substances is also banned. The Federal Ministr
This Act is a consolidated version of previous Acts and Ordinances existing in this field.
Feedstuffs Act.
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