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The Act outlines a general framework for the regulation of fishing in the declared fishing zone and the internal waters. Regulation making powers are vested in the Head of State.
The Act consists of 21 sections which are divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Regulation of Fishing (II); Offences (III); Research and Development IV); Miscellaneous (V).
Part II contains provisions concerning control measures which may be taken by the Minister, licences, total allowable catch and enforcement. The Minister may exercise the control on fishing by enforcing closed seasons, prohibiting the taking of certain species of fish or prohibiting fishing within certain areas. The taking of fish is subject to the granting of a licence according to the provisions of Part II. Final provisions concern offences and relevant penalties.
The Act outlines a general framework for the regulation of fishing in the declared fishing zone and the internal waters. Regulation making powers are vested in the Head of State.
Included in the text is an amendment of paragraph (b) of sub-section 15 (4) of 1978.
Fisheries Act (Chapter No. 214).
Papua New Guinea
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