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The Mercantile Marine Act, 1955 is amended with respect to matters relating to persons qualified to own registered sea fishing ships. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 is amended so as to give the Minister for the Marine the power to make regulations for carrying into effect and enforcing the entry of fishing boats in the fishing boat register, and any convention with a foreign country relative to the registry, lettering and numbering of fishing. Also the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959 is amended in relation to fishing boats, information relating to the catching or sale of fish, and measures of enforcement. Part III of this Act contains provisions relating to fishing for eels and molluscan shellfish and introduces penalties for purchasing, selling, etc., or being in possession of unseasonable or unlawfully captured salmon, trout, eels or molluscan shellfish.
The Mercantile Marine Act, 1955 is amended with respect to matters relating to persons qualified to own registered sea fishing ships. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 is amended so as to give the Minister for the Marine the power to make regulations for carrying into effect and enforcing the entry of fishing boats in the fishing boat register, and any convention with a foreign country relative to the registry, lettering and numbering of fishing. Also the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959 is ame
Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1994.
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