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The Minister may cause to be prepared, by such person or persons as he or she appoints for the purpose, a report in relation to the management and organization of a the Central Fisheries Board or a regional board established under the Act of 1980 and the performance by it of its functions generally or, as the Minister may consider appropriate, of any specified function or functions of it. The functions of a board may be performed by a commission established by the Minister under section 3. Where the Minister proposes to make an order under section 3 of this Act, otherwise than at the request of a board under subsection (1) (a) of that section, he or she shall give notice in writing of that proposal to the board concerned and such a notice shall indicate the terms of the order proposed to be made (sect. 4). Coordination of functions of the Board and Commission shall take place in accordance with section 7.
The Minister may cause to be prepared, by such person or persons as he or she appoints for the purpose, a report in relation to the management and organization of a the Central Fisheries Board or a regional board established under the Act of 1980 and the performance by it of its functions generally or, as the Minister may consider appropriate, of any specified function or functions of it. The functions of a board may be performed by a commission established by the Minister under section 3. Where
Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1995.
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