These Regulations provides for the protection of Coconut Crabs by: prohibiting the killing, injuring or taking of any coconut crab during the close season declared under these Regulations; prohibiting the killing, injuring, taking or sale of any coconut crab carrying eggs or of a size less that specified in these Regulations; prescribing quotas of coconut crabs that may be taken, etc. on certain islands. Coconut crabs may be taken or caught during the close season with prior permission of the Director of Fisheries. The Regulations also provide for appointment of inspectors, enforcement and penalties.
These Regulations provides for the protection of Coconut Crabs by: prohibiting the killing, injuring or taking of any coconut crab during the close season declared under these Regulations; prohibiting the killing, injuring, taking or sale of any coconut crab carrying eggs or of a size less that specified in these Regulations; prescribing quotas of coconut crabs that may be taken, etc. on certain islands. Coconut crabs may be taken or caught during the close season with prior permission of the Di
Reprinted version of 2006 of Order No. 13 of 1991.
Fisheries (Coconut Crabs) Regulations (Cap. 315).
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