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This Act amends the Fisheries Management Act so as to align the Act to constitutional requirements. It also concerns membership of the National Fisheries Board (sec. 8), calling meetings of the Board (sec. 13), technical advisors (sec. 20), appointment of the Managing Director (sec. 16), and grant and issue of a licence (sec. 41). Section 41 is amended by repealing the words "upon the recommendation of the Managing Director".
This Act amends the Fisheries Management Act so as to align the Act to constitutional requirements. It also concerns membership of the National Fisheries Board (sec. 8), calling meetings of the Board (sec. 13), technical advisors (sec. 20), appointment of the Managing Director (sec. 16), and grant and issue of a licence (sec. 41). Section 41 is amended by repealing the words "upon the recommendation of the Managing Director".
Fisheries Management (Amendment) Act, 2012 (No. 2 of 2012).
Papua New Guinea
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