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The Gabonese Republic and the European Community have concluded this Agreement to regulate cooperation in the fisheries sector with a view to promoting responsible fishing in Gabonese waters, and thus to ensure the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources. The Parties undertake to monitor the evolution of resources in the Gabonese fishing zone. Moreover, Gabon undertakes to authorize European Community fishing vessels to fish in the Gabonese waters, as long as such vessels are in possession of a fishing licence issued under the Agreement between the European Community and the Gabonese Republic on fishing off the coast of Gabon and its Protocol.
The Gabonese Republic and the European Community have concluded this Agreement to regulate cooperation in the fisheries sector with a view to promoting responsible fishing in Gabonese waters, and thus to ensure the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources. The Parties undertake to monitor the evolution of resources in the Gabonese fishing zone. Moreover, Gabon undertakes to authorize European Community fishing vessels to fish in the Gabonese waters, as long as such vessel
Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Gabonese Republic and the European Community.
European Union
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