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This Order transposes into Irish law the provisions of Annex XVII to Council Regulation (EC) No 2341/2002 which apply from 1 February 2003 to sea-fishing boats equal to or greater than 10 metres in length overall deploying specified fishing gears in any of three specified cod recovery areas, namely parts of ICES Division IIIa, part of ICES sub-area IV and part of Division VIa. Masters or other persons in charge of the Irish sea-fishing boats in question and operating in any of the specified areas will be restricted if deploying any of six specified types of fishing gears to carrying on board not more than one of the specified types of fishing gears. They will be required to give advance notice of landings to Sea Fisheries Officers, and must obtain the prior approval of the relevant Sea Fisheries Officer to land cod in excess of 1 tonne into ports or landing places. Quantities of cod in excess of 2 tonnes may only be landed into designated ports. The Order also sets out the maximum number of days in a calendar month on which a sea-fishing boat is permitted to be absent from a port depending on the type of specified fishing gears being used. It also sets out rules regarding the use of more than one type of specified fishing gears during a period.
This Order transposes into Irish law the provisions of Annex XVII to Council Regulation (EC) No 2341/2002 which apply from 1 February 2003 to sea-fishing boats equal to or greater than 10 metres in length overall deploying specified fishing gears in any of three specified cod recovery areas, namely parts of ICES Division IIIa, part of ICES sub-area IV and part of Division VIa. Masters or other persons in charge of the Irish sea-fishing boats in question and operating in any of the specified area
Fishing Effort and Additional Conditions for Monitoring, Inspection and Surveillance in the context of Recovery of Certain Cod Stocks Order 2003 (S.I. No. 29 of 2003).
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