This Law concerns the management and conservation of forests and forest land by means of establishing a policy, regulations and standards aimed at the enhancement of forest resources. First target is the classification of forest types, the delineation of forest boundaries and areas and the monitoring of changes in the status of forest. Forest in Lao is classified into five categories: (a) protection forest; (b) conservation forest; (c) production forest; (d) regeneration forest; (e) degraded forest land or deforested land. Based on the said classification the Government will grant rights to the use of degraded forest land and deforested land to individuals and organizations for the purpose of planting trees and regenerating forest. Part III makes provisions for the use of forest and forest land. It concerns, inter alia, harvesting of timber and forestry products, forest and forest product industry, plantation and regeneration of forest, preservation of forest. With a view to protect aquatic and wild animals and flora, the Law draws a distinction between protected and non-protected categories with respect to their possession rules, hunting and removal. Part IV is devoted to the rights and obligations of the user of forest and forest land, including the possession and use, the rights to benefits from, transfer, inherit, customary rights and lease of forest and forest land. Part V defines the powers and duties of forest management and inspection organizations, i.e. the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices, the District Agriculture and Forestry Offices, and the village authorities. The Law also lays down the main rules for the carrying out of inspections aimed at ensuring that the operation, management and use of forest and forest land are in accordance with the present Law. Such inspections are divided into three categories: (1) regular systematic inspection, to be carried out at fix intervals and at least once a year; (2) advance notice inspection, which is performed as deemed necessary and subject to a twenty-four hour advance notice; (3) "impromptu" notice, which may be carried out urgently and without advance notice. Article 67 establishes the rights and duties of the forestry inspection organization.
This Law concerns the management and conservation of forests and forest land by means of establishing a policy, regulations and standards aimed at the enhancement of forest resources. First target is the classification of forest types, the delineation of forest boundaries and areas and the monitoring of changes in the status of forest. Forest in Lao is classified into five categories: (a) protection forest; (b) conservation forest; (c) production forest; (d) regeneration forest; (e) degraded for
Forestry Law, 1996.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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