These Regulations provide rules for harvesting, purchasing, trading, processing and exportation of sandalwood. No person may carry out any of these operations without first obtaining a sandalwood licence from the Minister or an export permit from the Director of Forestry. The Regulations set out the conditions attached to a licence. The sandalwood licence shall be subject to any such special conditions as the Minister may impose. Licence holders shall pay an annual fee to the Director of Forestry and a sandalwood management charge shall be payable for all sandalwood cut during the course of sandalwood operations. The Minister may declare a sandalwood trading season by specifying the period during which sandalwood can be cut and traded. Forest officers may suspend sandalwood operations for specified reasons and may make a decision to settle any dispute between a sandalwood licensee and any landowner. Forms of (an application for) a sandalwood licence or an export permit are set out in the Schedule.
These Regulations provide rules for harvesting, purchasing, trading, processing and exportation of sandalwood. No person may carry out any of these operations without first obtaining a sandalwood licence from the Minister or an export permit from the Director of Forestry. The Regulations set out the conditions attached to a licence. The sandalwood licence shall be subject to any such special conditions as the Minister may impose. Licence holders shall pay an annual fee to the Director of Forestr
Consolidated version of 2006 of Order No. 3 of 1997 as amended by Order No. 46 of 2004.
Forestry (Management and Control of Sandalwood Trade and Exports) Regulations (Cap. 276).
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