This Act establishes: (a) conditions of the design, implementation, evaluation and control of geological works; (b) competences of the state geological administration; (c) sanctions for violation of the provisions established by this Act. The Act is composed of the following sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Conditions of geological works (Sec. 2); Designing, implementation and evaluation of geological tasks (Sec. 3); Review territory (Sec. 4); Entry into the the foreign territory and compensation of harms (Sec. 5); Transfer of the administration or property of geological works or geological object (Sec. 6); State geological administration, state geological control and sanctions (Sec. 7); Common, transitional and final provisions (Sec. 8).
This Act establishes: (a) conditions of the design, implementation, evaluation and control of geological works; (b) competences of the state geological administration; (c) sanctions for violation of the provisions established by this Act. The Act is composed of the following sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Conditions of geological works (Sec. 2); Designing, implementation and evaluation of geological tasks (Sec. 3); Review territory (Sec. 4); Entry into the the foreign territory and compe
Geological Act.
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