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This Government Regulation lays down, in accordance with European Union legislation, conditions for implementation of agri-environmental and climate measures. Agri-environmental and climate measures consist of the following sub-measures: (a) integrated fruit production; (b) integrated grapevine production; (c) integrated production of vegetables and strawberries; (d) grassland treatment; (e) grassing of arable land; (f) biopsies; (g) protection of northern lapwing; (h) grassing of drainage centers. A natural or legal person may apply to be included in one of these sub-measures if manages agricultural land maintained in the register of land use or meets other specified conditions.
This Government Regulation lays down, in accordance with European Union legislation, conditions for implementation of agri-environmental and climate measures. Agri-environmental and climate measures consist of the following sub-measures: (a) integrated fruit production; (b) integrated grapevine production; (c) integrated production of vegetables and strawberries; (d) grassland treatment; (e) grassing of arable land; (f) biopsies; (g) protection of northern lapwing; (h) grassing of drainage cente
Government Regulation on conditions for implementation of agri-environmental and climate measures.
Czech Republic
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