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This Government Resolution approves the National Policy on Basic Sanitation. This Policy, consisting of 3 Sections (in the Annex), specifies the requirements to be satisfied by water waste discharge in order to prevent any water and soil pollution within the territory of Timor-Leste. The objective of this Policy is to give a baseline and to establish norms and responsibilities for promoting water sanitation in all the activities performed in the country. This policy applies for a safe elimination of water waste and discharge, originated from domestic, industrial and public sources and assists in managing the drainage of rainy water and solid waste originated from other potentially polluting sources.
This Government Resolution approves the National Policy on Basic Sanitation. This Policy, consisting of 3 Sections (in the Annex), specifies the requirements to be satisfied by water waste discharge in order to prevent any water and soil pollution within the territory of Timor-Leste. The objective of this Policy is to give a baseline and to establish norms and responsibilities for promoting water sanitation in all the activities performed in the country. This policy applies for a safe eliminatio
Government Resolution No. 8/2012 approving the National Policy on Basic Sanitation.
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