This Decree, consisting of 10 articles, establishes the applicable procedures for submitting a proposal for the classification of protected areas in the terms set forth in paragraph 4 of article 16 of Decree-Law no. 5/2016, of 16 March. It establishes the requirements to be satisfied in order to request a proposal for protected area. The submission of a proposal for the classification of protected area should be based on the best possible and available technical assessment of related ecosystems, taking into account existing communities and biological resources and in view of the best management practices of internationally accepted protected areas.
This Decree, consisting of 10 articles, establishes the applicable procedures for submitting a proposal for the classification of protected areas in the terms set forth in paragraph 4 of article 16 of Decree-Law no. 5/2016, of 16 March. It establishes the requirements to be satisfied in order to request a proposal for protected area. The submission of a proposal for the classification of protected area should be based on the best possible and available technical assessment of related ecosystems,
This Law repeals Law No. 3/2009 of 8 July.
Governmental Decree No. 14/2017 establishing the Procedures for Submitting a Proposal for the Classification of Protected Area.
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