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This Legislative Decree, whihc consists of 15 articles and 1 Annex, defines (art. 2) the technical terms and (art. 3-6) the requirements for the marketing of fisheries products. Further are indicated (art. 7-12) control procedures.
This Legislative Decree, whihc consists of 15 articles and 1 Annex, defines (art. 2) the technical terms and (art. 3-6) the requirements for the marketing of fisheries products. Further are indicated (art. 7-12) control procedures.
Implementation of Legislative Decree No. 531 implementing EEC Directive No. 91/493/CEE on sanitary rules for the production and trade of fishery products,as per changes introduced by Directive 92/48/CE laying down the minimum hygene rules applicable to fishery products caught on board of certain vessels.
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