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The present Agreement by the Cantons of Zurich, Schwyz, Glarus and St. Gallen lays down provisions relating to the navigation on the Z richsee implementing and completing federal legislation. Article 3 establishes an Intercantonal Navigation Commission responsible for the implementation of the present Agreement. The text consists of 36 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: Sphere of application (I); Organization and competence (II); Exams (III); Limitation of traffic (IV); Signalisation (V); Safety provisions (VI); Fishing (VII); Penalties and final provisions (VIII).
The present Agreement by the Cantons of Zurich, Schwyz, Glarus and St. Gallen lays down provisions relating to the navigation on the Zürichsee implementing and completing federal legislation. Article 3 establishes an Intercantonal Navigation Commission responsible for the implementation of the present Agreement. The text consists of 36 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: Sphere of application (I); Organization and competence (II); Exams (III); Limitation of traffic (IV); Signalisation (V);
Intercantonal Agreement on the navigation on the Z richsee.
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