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The purpose of the present Ordinance is to transpose the following EU Council Directives into national law: EU Council Directive 96/29/Euratom of 13 May 1996; EU Council Directive 89/618/Euratom of 27 November 1989 on informing the general public about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiological emergency (OJ No. L 357/31 of 7 December 1989). The Ordinance contains regulations in connection with interventions in case of radiological emergencies and in case of lasting exposure from a past radiological emergency or a past practice. These include inter alia significant releases of radioactive material due to accidents involving facilities or practices, accidents during the transport of radioactive material or terrorist acts using radioactive material. The text consists of 17 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Interventions in case of radiological emergencies (2); Interventions with lasting radiation exposure (3).
The purpose of the present Ordinance is to transpose the following EU Council Directives into national law: EU Council Directive 96/29/Euratom of 13 May 1996; EU Council Directive 89/618/Euratom of 27 November 1989 on informing the general public about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiological emergency (OJ No. L 357/31 of 7 December 1989). The Ordinance contains regulations in connection with interventions in case of radiological emergencies a
Intervention Ordinance.
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