The present Law enforces the Federal Economic Supply Act of 8 October 1982. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for the correct and efficient execution of the afore-mentioned Act. The text - consisting of 10 articles deals with the following aspects: subject matter, tasks of Canton and municipalities, costs, legal protection, repeal, entry into force.
The present Law enforces the Federal Economic Supply Act of 8 October 1982. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for the correct and efficient execution of the afore-mentioned Act. The text - consisting of 10 articles – deals with the following aspects: subject matter, tasks of Canton and municipalities, costs, legal protection, repeal, entry into force.
The present Law is consolidated as of 1 September 2013.
Introductory Law relating to the Federal Economic Supply Act (Cantonal Economic Supply Law).
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