This Decree applies to plants and plant products specified in Annex 1A. Annex 1 to the Decree lists maximum residue limits of pesticides. Annex 2 shows the institutes entitled to carry out analysis and the competent authorities to take administative measures and decisions. Inspection of plants and plant products must be performed regularly on the basis of an annual plan, or in special cases. Plants and plant products, which results contaminated, must be seized immediately until further decision of the competent authority.
This Decree applies to plants and plant products specified in Annex 1A. Annex 1 to the Decree lists maximum residue limits of pesticides. Annex 2 shows the institutes entitled to carry out analysis and the competent authorities to take administative measures and decisions. Inspection of plants and plant products must be performed regularly on the basis of an annual plan, or in special cases. Plants and plant products, which results contaminated, must be seized immediately until further decision
Joint Decree No. 5 of 2002 of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development on maximum residue limits of pesticides allowable in and on the surface of plants and plant products.
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