The Rural Land Corporation is established under regulation 2. The Corporation may: (a) manage land, plantations or residential properties; (b) undertake the business of farmers, ranchers, cultivators of timber, sawmillers and timber merchants; (c) process any crops grown on land including copra, cocoa and rice, and carry out other functions specified in regulation 3. For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the powers contained in section 8 of the Land Reform Act, Cap. 123 are hereby delegated to the Corporation. The Minister may from time to time after consultation with the Corporation issue directives to the Corporation and the Corporation shall be obliged to carry out such directives.
The Rural Land Corporation is established under regulation 2. The Corporation may: (a) manage land, plantations or residential properties; (b) undertake the business of farmers, ranchers, cultivators of timber, sawmillers and timber merchants; (c) process any crops grown on land including copra, cocoa and rice, and carry out other functions specified in regulation 3. For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the powers contained in section 8 of the Land Reform Act, Cap. 123 are hereby deleg
Reprinted edition of Order No. 14 of 1980.
Land Reform (Rural land Corporation) Regulations.
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