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This Law sets rules for the management of electricity-related activities and other energy resources for the purpose of national development and preservation of the environment.
The State shall promote investment in operations relating to electricity, with an emphasis upon hydropower in order to utilize the electricity potential of water sources which are natural resources of the country.
Electricity enterprises engaged in the production, transmission, distribution, export and import of electricity shall request a concession from the government of the Lao People s Democratic Republic in order to operate. Concession procedures are specified in the text and shall include an environmental impact assessment statement.
The Law further provides for the following matters: installation and determination of electricity equipment standards; electricity production; electricity transmission; electricity distribution; electricity export and import; electricity development in rural areas; electricity administration and inspection agencies; and penal provisions.
This Law sets rules for the management of electricity-related activities and other energy resources for the purpose of national development and preservation of the environment.
Law on Electricity.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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