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The present Law lays down provisions relating to the exploitation and protection of public waters. It is to be applied to all public waters in the Canton of Aaargau. Because of its importance for the water supply, the fertility of the earth and in general for the water resources, the public waters are to be administered in such a way as to serve the public at its best. Waterworks, improvements etc. must not disturb surrounding water resources. The text consists of 64 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: Public waters (I); Exploitation of public waters (II); Protection of public waters (III); Water charges and contributes by the State (IV); Legal protection (V); Execution (VI).
The present Law lays down provisions relating to the exploitation and protection of public waters. It is to be applied to all public waters in the Canton of Aaargau. Because of its importance for the water supply, the fertility of the earth and in general for the water resources, the public waters are to be administered in such a way as to serve the public at its best. Waterworks, improvements etc. must not disturb surrounding water resources. The text consists of 64 articles divided into 6 Part
Law on exploitation and protection of public waters.
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