This Law, consisting of ten Sections, regulates all the activities related to food sector. It defines principles, procedures and measures to manage, monitor, inspect food business and establishes the requirements to be satisfied for food quality, performance, ensuring food security, nutrition values aimed at protecting and promoting human health to keep healthy, strong and long life in order to contribute to the preservation and development of the nation. This Law does not apply for cosmetics, tobacco and substance used as medicine. The Law is divided as follows: General provisions (I); Standard and control food safety (II); Food Business (III); Rights and Obligations of doing business and consumer food (IV); Risks (V); Conflict resolution (VI); Committee of Food and Drug Administration (VII); Managing and inspecting food (VIII); Policy measures and sanctions (IX); Final Provisions (X).
This Law, consisting of ten Sections, regulates all the activities related to food sector. It defines principles, procedures and measures to manage, monitor, inspect food business and establishes the requirements to be satisfied for food quality, performance, ensuring food security, nutrition values aimed at protecting and promoting human health to keep healthy, strong and long life in order to contribute to the preservation and development of the nation. This Law does not apply for cosmetics, t
The text is available only in Laotian. This law replaced the Food Act No. 04/15 dated 2004.
Law on Food No. 33/NA (Amended).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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