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This Law, consisting of 12 articles, rules on Crimes Relating to Fisheries, with a view to putting an end to criminal practices that threaten marine ecosystems and their living resources, controlling and eliminating the illegal exploitation of such resources. In particular, it regulates the crime of using explosives or toxic substances in fishing, the crime of damage to aquatic resources, the crime of illegal fishing, the crime of disobedience, the loss of property in favour of the State, the criminal liability of foreigners, the safeguarding of other sanctions, the non-appearance of the presumed offender, the release of vessels and crew after providing security, the return of the security and the jurisdiction of the courts.
This Law, composed of 12 articles, rules on crimes related to fisheries. In particular, it regulates the following crimes: fishing with explosive devices or toxic substances, damage to water resources and illegal fisheries.
Law No. 12/2004 on Crimes related to Fisheries.
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