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This Law consists of 14 articles reviewing provisions included in Decree Law No. 86, regarding hunting policy in Greece. More specifically, the functioning of game reserves and controlled hunting areas and the issuing of hunting permits are among the amendments concerned by the present Law. Game reserves, local hunting prohibitions, breeding farms hunting reserves can be established according to this Law "for the protection and rescue of country's natural environment" and "the conservation, development and exploitation of the animal wealth of the country". These areas compose a network of protected areas where the hunting regulations play an important role in the protection of fauna. The number of the reserves and hunting prohibitions as well as the modifications of the expanse and the borders are defined by the annual hunting regulation.
This Law consists of 14 articles reviewing provisions included in Decree Law No. 86, regarding hunting policy in Greece. More specifically, the functioning of game reserves and controlled hunting areas and the issuing of hunting permits are among the amendments concerned by the present Law. Game reserves, local hunting prohibitions, breeding farms hunting reserves can be established according to this Law "for the protection and rescue of country's natural environment" and "the conservation, deve
Law No. 177 amending and complementing provisions of Decree Law No. 86.
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