Article 13 of the Law No. 57-XVI on vine and wine shall be amended to add the following wording: Wines are classified as follows: (a) wine with a protected appellation of origin; (b) wine with a protected geographical indication; (c) wine without a protected name for the place of origin and without a protected geographical indication, but with the name of the grape variety, referred to as variety wine; and (d) wine without a protected name for the place of origin, without a protected geographical indication and without the name of the grape variety, called wine . Article 23 shall be amended stating that grape-wine products placed on the market, intended for direct consumption by human beings, should comply with the requirements established by this law and approved by the Government technical regulations, and subject to assessment of compliance; grape-wine products of protected and guaranteed place of origin can be traded exclusively bottled. Article 2 of the Law No. 1100-XIV on manufacturing and trade of ethyl alcohol and liquors shall be amended to add the following wording: This law establishes the legal and administrative framework and principles of quality control and assurance in the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products, except for wine, products based on must, and flavored grape-wine products according to the definition given in the Law No. 57-XVI on vine and wine .
Article 13 of the Law No. 57-XVI on vine and wine shall be amended to add the following wording: “Wines are classified as follows: (a) wine with a protected appellation of origin; (b) wine with a protected geographical indication; (c) wine without a protected name for the place of origin and without a protected geographical indication, but with the name of the grape variety, referred to as variety wine; and (d) wine without a protected name for the place of origin, without a protected geographic
Law No. 34 amending Law No. 57-XVI on vine and wine and Law No. 1100-XIV on manufacturing and trade of ethyl alcohol and liquors.
Republic of Moldova
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