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The Law, consisting of 63 articles divided into seven Parts, on Local Administration outlines the basic principles concerning the organisation, functions and operational procedures of local administrations with the aim to improve and establish strong, transparent, unified and systematic local administration throughout the country, to ensure the effective implementation of the Constitution, laws, socio-economic development [plans] and State budget plans, and to protect the legitimate rights and benefits of the State and the people. The local administration s role is to represent the locality and be responsible to the government for administering the following matters: political, socio-economic and cultural affairs; human resource management; use, preservation, and protection of natural resources, the environment and other resources; national and local protection and other responsibilities relating to foreign relations as assigned by the government.
The authority and duties of local administration are: 1. implement legislation and development plans within its area of responsibility; 2. prepare a strategic plan incorporating socio-economic development plans; 3. manage political, socio-economic and cultural affairs, natural resources, the environment; 4. decide on socio-economic and cultural management within its area of responsibility in accordance with the legislation; supervise the performance of the organisations under its responsibility; 6. cooperate with foreign countries as assigned by the government; etc.
The Law, consisting of 63 articles divided into seven Parts, on Local Administration outlines the basic principles concerning the organisation, functions and operational procedures of local administrations with the aim to improve and establish strong, transparent, unified and systematic local administration throughout the country, to ensure the effective implementation of the Constitution, laws, socio-economic development [plans] and State budget plans, and to protect the legitimate rights and b
Law No. 47/NA on Local Administration of the Lao People s Democratic Republic.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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