The present Law regulates social relations in the sphere of protection of the population and the territories against environmental and technological disasters and is directed at the prevention of the emergencies, reduction of damages caused thereby and liquidation thereof. The public shall have free access to the information regarding protection of the population and the territories (art. 5). The Ministry of Emergencies shall be the authorized institution entitled with the tasks of protection against the emergencies (art. 8). Monitoring and prognostication of emergencies shall be carried out by special supervision and control services over disasters, technological accidents and catastrophes (art. 14). Determination of the boundaries of the areas of emergencies shall be carried out by the directors of state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations in conformity with the classification of emergencies (art. 21). The Law consists of 27 Articles.
The present Law regulates social relations in the sphere of protection of the population and the territories against environmental and technological disasters and is directed at the prevention of the emergencies, reduction of damages caused thereby and liquidation thereof. The public shall have free access to the information regarding protection of the population and the territories (art. 5). The Ministry of Emergencies shall be the authorized institution entitled with the tasks of protection ag
Law No. 824-I on protection of the population and the territories against environmental and technological disasters.
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