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This Law, consisting of 98 articles divided into ten Chapters, establishes rules for the organization, competence and functioning of Sucos. Chapter II specifies the duties of Sucos, such as: contributing to the cohesion of the community members and national unity; ensuring peace and social harmony in the community; promoting the resolution of disputes arising within the community or between Suco's Villages; promoting and ensuring the traditional practices and customs of the community; defending and representing general interests of the community; promoting the well-being and full human development of community members; cooperating with the agencies and services of the public administration in the pursuit of public interest in the community; promoting socio-economic development of the community, taking into account gender equality; ensuring the proper management of community assets.
The Law is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. I); Duties and responsibilities (Chap. II); Bodies of Sucos (Chap. III); Appointment of members of the organs of Sucos (Chap. IV); Incompatibilities (Chap. V); Rights of members of the Village Council, Village Chiefs and Suco's Chiefs (Chap. VI); Finance (Chap. VII); Human Resources (Chap. VIII); Administrative control (Chap. IX); Transitional and final provisions (Chap. X).
This Law, consisting of 98 articles divided into ten Chapters, establishes rules for the organization, competence and functioning of Sucos. Chapter II specifies the duties of Sucos, such as: contributing to the cohesion of the community members and national unity; ensuring peace and social harmony in the community; promoting the resolution of disputes arising within the community or between Suco's Villages; promoting and ensuring the traditional practices and customs of the community; defending
This Law repeals Law No. 3/2009 of 8 July.
Law No. 9/2016 establishing rules for the organization, competence and functioning of the Sucos.
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