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The aim of this Act is to protect women's lawful rights and interests, promote the equality between men and women and allow full play to women's role in socialist modernization. The Law consists of 10 Chapters: Chapter I. General Provisions; Chapter II Political Rights; Chapter III Personal and Personality Rights and Interests; Chapter IV Rights and Interests Relating to Culture and Education; Chapter V Rights and Interests of Labor and Social Security; Chapter VI Rights and Interests Relating to Property ; Chapter VII Rights and Interests Relating to Marriage and Family; Chapter VIII Remedial Measures; Chapter IX Legal Liability; Chapter X Supplemental Provision.
Women shall enjoy equal rights with men in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and family life (art.2). Women have the right to conduct state affairs, manage economic and cultural undertakings and administer social affairs through various channels and in various ways (art.13). Women enjoy equal rights with men in such aspects as the confirmation of membership of rural collective economic organizations, land contractual management, income distribution of collective economic organizations, land expropriation and the use of expropriation compensation and the use of housing sites(art.55).
The Law details a list of behaviors that employers must not engage in during the recruitment process, including limiting job offers to males or providing that males have priority or giving priority to men, inquiring about the marital and maternal situation of women job applicants, requiring pregnancy tests in the onboard physical examination, making marriage or maternity status a condition for recruitment and employment, and other similar acts (art. 43.). The Law states that employers are not allowed to reduce the benefits of women employees or restrict them from being promoted as a result of their marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave, or breastfeeding (art. 48.)
The aim of this Act is to protect women's lawful rights and interests, promote the equality between men and women and allow full play to women's role in socialist modernization.
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women.
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