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The present Law implements the Federal Act of 4 October 2002 on population protection and civil protection. In particular, the Law governs the organization, responsibilities, powers and measures to deal with extraordinary situations. The text consists 28 articles divided into 5 chapters as follows: Subject matter (1); Population protection (2); Civil protection (3); Protective structures and compensation payments (4); Final provisions (5).
The present Law implements the Federal Act of 4 October 2002 on population protection and civil protection. In particular, the Law governs the organization, responsibilities, powers and measures to deal with extraordinary situations. The text consists 28 articles divided into 5 chapters as follows: Subject matter (1); Population protection (2); Civil protection (3); Protective structures and compensation payments (4); Final provisions (5).
The present Law is consolidated as of 1 September 2007.
Law on population protection in the Canton Uri (Population Protection Law).
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