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The present Act lays down provisions relating to the protection of hunting, game and birds. Within the framework of the basic federal legislation the Canton is entitled to regulate issues concerning hunting and protected animals. Hunting activities in the Canton shall need a hunting permit. Furthermore, the Canton shall organize and control the hunting sector with a view to ensure an efficient hunting police and hunting guards, ensure the good health of game, ensure procreation of endangered animal species, conserve and improve the living space of free living animals, to limit the size of game to a reasonable number with a view to protect agriculture and forestry and property from damage inflicted by hunting and animals. A Hunting Commission shall be established with the task of advising the competent Office in all matters concerning hunting, including protection of game and birds. The text consists of 9 articles.
The present Act lays down provisions relating to the protection of hunting, game and birds. Within the framework of the basic federal legislation the Canton is entitled to regulate issues concerning hunting and protected animals. Hunting activities in the Canton shall need a hunting permit. Furthermore, the Canton shall organize and control the hunting sector with a view to ensure an efficient hunting police and hunting guards, ensure the good health of game, ensure procreation of endangered ani
The present Law is consolidated as of 1 January 2007.The present Law repeals, inter alia, the Ordinance of 4 April 1959 implementing the Federal Hunting and Bird Protection Act.
Law on protection of hunting, game and birds (Hunting Law).
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