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The goal of state environmental impact assessments is to evaluate the level of environmental hazard posed by economic activity and the environmental conditions at particular sites, and to develop proposals for the improvement of environmental quality (art. 1). Principles of assessment are set out in article 2. The chief objectives of the assessment are: to determine whether the level of potential environmental hazard has been correctly evaluated for a particular economic or other activity which directly or indirectly impacts or in the future will or may impact the surrounding environment or public health and living conditions; to provide an evaluation analysis of the environmental impact of the planned human-generated activity; to evaluate the permissibility of economic activity, taking into account all environmental restrictions; to establish, forecast and evaluate the effects of economic facilities' impact on the surrounding environment, etc. Article 9 spells out the responsibilities of the project developer and project planner.
The goal of state environmental impact assessments is to evaluate the level of environmental hazard posed by economic activity and the environmental conditions at particular sites, and to develop proposals for the improvement of environmental quality (art. 1). Principles of assessment are set out in article 2. The chief objectives of the assessment are: to determine whether the level of potential environmental hazard has been correctly evaluated for a particular economic or other activity which
Law on State Environmental Impact Assessments.
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