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This Law shall establish the basic requirements for the prevention, record keeping, collection, sorting, storage, transportation, utilization and disposal of waste with a view to prevent its negative effects on the environment and human health. The Law shall stipulate the functions of public authorities and other legal and natural persons in the sphere of waste management. This Law establishes general requirements for the prevention and management of waste in order to prevent the adverse effects of waste on public health and the environment, the conditions under which the substance or object may be considered as waste, state regulation of waste management, basic principles of organization and planning of waste management systems, requirements for waste holders and waste managers; economic and financial measures for waste management, the rights and obligations of manufacturers, importers and distributors of oils, electrical and electronic equipment, vehicles, taxable products, products made of aerobically degradable plastic, disposable plastic products, fishing gear containing plastic and packaging. The purpose of this Law is to ensure the application of the legal acts of the European Union specified in Annex 5 to this Law. The placing on the market of all products made of aerobic plastic shall be prohibited. The waste facility must ensure that hazardous substances, compounds and components are compressed or separated from the hazardous waste during its treatment in order to treat the waste in a way that is safe for public health and the environment. It is prohibited to import into Lithuania from other countries municipal and hazardous waste intended for disposal and/or use for energy production, and residues from the municipal waste incineration process (ash and slag).
Enterprises which during the discharge of their economic-commercial activities generate waste and which utilize, dispose or handle waste must take every appropriate and economically feasible measure to minimize its quantity and the harmful effect on human health and the environment (art. 3). There are provisions regarding the regulation of waste management by the Government involving regulation of the manufacturing, import, sale and utilization of substances and products, including containers and packaging (art. 7). Article 8 refers to the procedure of waste record keeping whereas article 14 regards technical regulations of a waste utilization or disposal facility. Facilities involved with hazardous waste must obtain a licence from the relevant authority (art. 16). There are extensive provisions regarding the administration of waste management and economic and financial measures for waste management.
This Law shall establish the basic requirements for the prevention, record keeping, collection, sorting, storage, transportation, utilization and disposal of waste with a view to prevent its negative effects on the environment and human health. The Law shall stipulate the functions of public authorities and other legal and natural persons in the sphere of waste management.
Law on Waste Management (No. VIII-787).
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