This Law governs the management, rational exploitation, development and use of water and water resources. The ownership of all water is vested in the people of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic as a whole. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for the survey and inventory of water resources (art. 8). Article 9 provides a classification of water resources and river basins. Group III states all the different purposes for which water and water resources may be used, establishing in particular that "the use of undergroundwater must be reserved for drinking purposes and its use for medium and large scale activities must receive prior authorization by the responsible organization" (art. 13). As for the different uses of water, this Act draws a distinction among small, medium and large scale use. Small scale use (e.g. family domestic use, fisheries, basic agriculture, etc.) is always permitted, unless there are restrictions imposed by Ministries or local authorities. A permit by the Ministry concerned is required for medium scale use. Large scale use is subject to a permission to be issued by the Government and to the submission of a feasibility study (including the environmental impact assessment) and an overall plan. Group IV establishes principles and measures relevant to the development and management of water resources with a view to ensure their preservation and protection. Subsequent groups provide for the following matters: right of way (VI); harmful effects, control and protection of water (VII); international cooperation on the uses, management and development of water and water resources (VIII); incentives and penalties (IX); final provisions (X).
This Law governs the management, rational exploitation, development and use of water and water resources. The ownership of all water is vested in the people of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic as a whole. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for the survey and inventory of water resources (art. 8). Article 9 provides a classification of water resources and river basins. Group III states all the different purposes for which water and water resources may be used, establishing
Law on Water and Water Resource (No. 02-96).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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